Khamis, 25 Disember 2008

The Social & Environmental Aspect Risk Factor Affecting the Cost Performance in a Residential Project


  • A city is a collective residential area and other areas which is bigger than a village. A city usually offers four major things for its citizen, trade facility, business opportunity, service business opportunity, and industrial activity. These four things make a city an attractive activity place for local people and out comer.
  • Kuala Lumpur as the nation capital is the number one activities centre in Malaysia, the vast economic activities made the need of housing for its residence has increased. In the growing years, all the residential areas in Malaysia had become overcrowded, but the urbanization still keeps flowing. This condition has made the residential area move to the outer part of Kuala Lumpur, hence come the definition sub-urban area have now becoming a preferred residential area to many of Malaysia’s economic people and caused many housing area to flourished in these area of Malaysia’s buffer zones.
  • Housing development business is done by developer with the aim to gain profit on the invested project. The developer has 2 major role, the business and technical role. The business role means that every outcome they spent will influence the income and profit they gained. The technical role means that the developer has to built houses and its facilities for the consumers. Both role interact with each other in the sole purpose of gaining for profit.
  • The profit is directly influenced by the cost and income. To determine the level of profit, the developer makes an estimation of cost, income and profit at the planning stage. The estimation is then used as a guideline for cost payment and income at the implementation stage. In running its business, the developer will face many profitable matters (opportunity) and loss matters (problems).
  • Non-optimal planning process will increase the paid cost, especially in environmental planning or environmental management. The rehabilitation on disaster on housing areas caused by environmental damage has cost a lot. The immaterial loss also made the consumer to be more cautious in deciding a place to live. The environmental issues have also become a main concern for the customer when choosing a residential area. This in turn, forces some of the developer to use the environmental issue as the main selling point for their housing project, which is a perfect thing to do idea considering the lack of residential area with good and sound environmental surrounding.

  • The existence of real estate complex generates both negative and positive aspects. The positive aspect is the organized location and clustering of residential areas. The negative aspect is that many of the supposed to be non build areas has been used as real estate area, thus causing many environmental impacts. Flood, waste management and other environmental problems need special attention because of the damage it can cost. The vast growing of housing areas in Kuala Lumpur and neighbor areas is not shared with the developer willingness to care to the environmental problem it caused. The developer mainly concerned about making attractive housing area with unique houses and well built facilities at a suitable price.
  • One of the main problems in housing, the big flood in Kuala Lumpur and neighbor areas on mid of February 2002 has caused pro and contra to the housing business. Housing developers were accused as the main cause of the flood due to the improper implementation of drainage system. In respond to that, many on-going housing projects have to be reevaluated and some of them which violated the development rules have to be stopped. Moral responsibilities from the developers were also demanded by the customers because some of them gave flood-free guarantee to their customers when dealing the transaction. Big flood happening in major cities in Malaysia especially in Kuala Lumpur surely has great impact on property business.
    Nowadays, the development of housing project is rapidly growing due to the high demand from the customer. A good housing area has to fulfill the health aspect from the building, drainage, clean water supply, domestic waste management and suitable ventilation.
  • Other problems that occurred on a housing project are:
    a. Land hole dug and left behind by the contractors
    b. Muddy road when rainfall
    c. Road damage due to heavy-loaded trucks
    d. Dusts from soil carrying trucks
    e. Water puddle that forms when rainfall
    f. Noises from construction vehicles
  • The problem with the work environment in a housing project must also be considered. A good, safe, sound and healthy work environment will make the workers work more efficiently and effectively. While a bad, unsound and unhealthy work environment will reduce the worker’s productivities. A bad work environment can be caused by insufficient lightings, extreme noises and abundance of dusts and ashes that can caused respiratory problems.
  • Although seems relatively small and insignificant, these problems are interesting to study and the result can be used as guideline for the developer to be more cautious in developing its project. An improperly planned housing project can caused may negative impacts, from the lost of materials, environmental problems and the satisfaction of the customer itself.


  • The complexities of developing housing project has already cost a lot, added with improper environmental and social aspect planning means a lot more has to be spend on the planning process. For example, the developer in Bukit Antarabangsa area has to make a new drainage channel because the rainwater on the housing project flooded the surrounding residential area. Meanwhile, the developer in that area has to pay allowance to surrounding resident due to road damage and pollution caused. There are also many examples on the impact of housing project to surrounding neighborhood.
    Therefore, there is a need to implement proper environmental management in a housing project. Improper environmental management will caused environmental problems, giving bad image for the developer in the eye of the customer and the government.


  • Based on the problem identification, the research is mainly concerned with the following problems:
    1. Which environmental risk factor is dominant on the cost performance of housing development project
    2. How to implement and respond environmental management aspect on housing project that can reduce the dominant risk on the cost performance

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